Friday, August 9, 2024

Day 59- Glacier

 August 9

Today was our ride on the famous Glacier Red Bus.  We had to be there by 9 so we actually got up early today.

It was a beautiful day.  Shinning sun and no wind.  A bit chilly though.  The  busses were built in the 1930's by White Motor Company for the National Parks Service.  Ford now has the contract for when it's time to refurbish them.

Since we had traveled to Logan's Pass yesterday we saw all of the same scenery.  Although this morning it was not cloudy or have haze.  I was able to redo many of my photo's and get better detail.  Of course we had the narration to go along with what we were seeing.

Everything after Logan's Pass was new to us. Because it was lower in elevation the forest was totally different.  It changed from the pines and aspen's to birch and cottonwood trees.  The lower elevations were also denser.  

Midday we arrived at the lodge at Lake McDonald.  Here we got lunch.  Of course all the other busses were either just arrived or just behind us.  I had planned to get lunch here so we got in line for the restaurant.  We would have had a 30 minute wait, which would probably have been fine.  I grabbed a menu so we could figure out what we wanted so we could order right away.  The girls didn't see anything they liked so we headed over to the other place that was a pizza buffet.  Of course there was a line over there as well.  The pizza ended up being really good.  Although the menu at the more formal place also looked great.

By the time we got done we only had about 10 minutes to check out the waterfront.  It would be a cool place to hang out for a bit.

After lunch we headed back.  We didn't make as many stops as we did the first time.  We were back by 5.

We needed milk so we headed to the grocery.  It was more of a really big convince store as everything was double anywhere else.  The milk was $6 for a half gallon.  The girls will be eating cereal dry tomorrow. 

After we got back I laid down for a bit.  The wind and sun knocked me out.  The girls also rested and hung out.  Libby wanted spaghetti and at some point Davan made it.  

Later I made a fire and they had s'mores.


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